Do Ballet Dancers Have To Be Skinny?

Ballet dancers are some of the most flexible and graceful creatives in the world. Being a ballet dancer is by no means simple. Many people are born with the passion for being ballet dancers, while others build on their talent over time. You may have witnessed many ballet dancers on TV or live and have noticed their body structures. You will find that most ballet dancers are skinny. Often, this makes not-so-skinny people question their ability to be ballet dancers.

Your weight should never be something that should stop you from doing something, but does that apply to ballet dancing? If you lack the frame of most ballet dancers, you could slowly get there. Not to mention, ballet dancers lose most of their weight because of hours and hours of practice. But are ballet dancers supposed to be skinny? Read further below to find out.

Why Are Ballet Dancers So Skinny?

You will find that most ballerinas are extremely skinny and wonder why that is. Well, that is a very common question on people’s minds after they watch a ballet dance. Even aspiring ballet dancers share similar questions. Mentioned below are a few reasons why ballet dancers tend to be so skinny:

They Become-Very Self-Conscious

Imagine dancing for hours and hours in front of a mirror, constantly having to look at yourself. You will most likely end up pick pointing minor details about your appearance that will make you want to change it. Sadly, this is something very natural that every human goes through, especially ballerinas.

Ballerinas become very self-conscious after constantly looking at themselves. While the aim of dancing in front of mirrors is to help improve their form, it can be distracting for some, negatively affecting their performance in the process. Because of the constant pressure, ballerinas tend to keep up with their weight that may involve re-constructing their day-to-day activities.

Engage in Physical Exercise Most of the Time

Ballerinas spend hours exercising, which is a part of their ballet training. Rigorous exercising and dance practice means they burn more calories in a day. This is what allows them to maintain a slim, slender figure. Ballet sessions are itself a form of exercise that makes you shed at least 525 calories in a 90-minute session, according to Livestrong.

One ballet dancing session equals a 7-mile run, so you can imagine how many calories and fat ballerinas burn. Even if you’re e a skinny person, daily ballerina training will develop your muscles and eliminate further body fat.

Ballerinas are Told to Be Skinnier

As an art form, ballet dancing demands perfection and uniformity, which highlights the technique and pattern. Just like you would require a particular type of paint to carryout out a watercolor painting, similarly, a particular type of body is required to successfully carry out ballet dancing. Having a similar body shape is what helps ballerinas look graceful during a dance routine.

While maintaining a balance is essential, not everyone can keep up with a ballet dancer’s demanding routine. Their passion drives them to work out as many as three times a day for an hour and a half.

Ballet Dancing is Very Competitive

Ballet dance is a very competitive form of dancing that requires you to be the best if you want to flourish in the industry. If you want to get the best job in the industry, you have to keep up with your ballet dancing techniques and maintain a slim figure, as it plays an important role in getting and teaching the techniques of ballet dancing the right way.

Only 20.4 percent of jobs are available for ballet dancers in the US, and the job rate of growth is lower than the average job at 4 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Many Ballerinas Suffer From Anorexia

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by very low body weight and because of the constant fear people have about gaining uncomfortable extra weight. Sadly, this is very common in the ballet industry.

Many ballerinas tend to starve themselves due to the constant pressure of becoming skinny. It is a demand that they maintain a certain look to get the perfect job and qualify as a better ballet dancer.

Ballerinas may look like some of the most beautiful humans, especially when they showcase their elegance on the stage while dancing. But, underneath that is the pain and suffering they go to is heartbreaking and is the sad reality.

How Much Do Ballet Dancers Practice and Perform?

Since ballet dancers engage in so much exercise, especially while practicing that makes them skinner, the question on your mind is probably how much do ballet dancers practice and perform? The number of times a ballerina practice depends from person to person.

Some professional ballerinas may spend 9 hours a day practicing 5-6 times per week, and some might even spend more than 9 hours. In total, a ballerina spends almost an average of 45 weeks per year in practice.

This also depends on whether you’re rehearsing. After all, rehearsal weeks require 4-6 periods of learning and practice. When it comes to performance week, ballerinas have to take part in both rehearsal and performances, including dress rehearsal and stage positioning in the theater. As you can see: a lot of time goes into practice and performance.

A ballet performance itself is quite lengthy. On average, performances are around 2 hours and 15 minutes long. So you can imagine how much physical strength and activity is a part of a ballet dancer’s life. That’s why you may tend to find many ballet dancers skinny. Of course, this varies from one performance to the next: not all ballet routines last that long, but some may last even longer.

Can You Be A Ballet Dancer If You Aren’t The Typical Small Dancer?

As mentioned earlier, ballet is a type of art that requires its dancers to look a specific way to get the technique right. It’s the sad truth. You do have to be tall or thin enough to be a ballet dancer, even if you think you have the skills but not the body. One of the main reasons many professionals require ballet dancers to be typically small is so that they look attractive while dancing.

Having a certain physique makes dance techniques look very beautiful while performing. Of course, low body weight is preferable as it helps dancers be quick on their feet. It’s easier for dancers to lift ballerinas when they weigh less; the routine looks smooth and well-executed this way.

For that, you do have to be a bit lightweight, so you showcase movement properly. However, it’s also hard to believe that curvy dancers cannot dance ballet. This also depends on the company you’re dancing for, as various ballet companies have different requirements. Some may not pay much attention to your physique, or instead of telling you you can’t perform; they will help train you to get there so at the same time you can maintain your physical weight too.

Many people believe having to be thin makes you fit to be a ballet dancer is more like a perception than a requirement. Dancing itself is art, and if you believe that you can be the world’s best ballet dancer, even if you are the typical ‘small’ dancer, you can prove them wrong.

Knowing that you have to be skinny to be a professional ballet dancer can really lower one’s self-esteem. But, there is always a way to fight that, and that I by pushing yourself to believe what you can do.

Yes, ballet dancing is very tough and requires years of training, but you can do that if you try. Even if you are slightly overweight or nowhere near to a ballerina’s physique, you can work towards getting there. Many people tend to achieve the ballerina body once they start practicing and rehearsing for hours and hours.

So yes, you can be a ballet dancer if you aren’t a typically small dancer, even if you can’t be one on a professional level. You must search for the right ballet company that will encourage overweight people to also engage in ballerina.

Final Words

The weight of ballet dancers is something that has been in the talks for years and for a very long time has been a constant degrading factor for ballet dancers.

It’s not right to assume that a ballet dancer is so lucky because she or he is skinny, but you can’t imagine the pain and struggle she must have gone through to be skinny, and in the first place, that’s something’s they even might not want to be or might be struggling with dyslexia. If ballet dancing is your passion, then go for it right now!