Why Do Dancers Wear Ankle Weights?

Dancing is a physically demanding sport that requires precision and control. Dancers need powerful legs and muscles to perform jumps, kicks, leaps and more. To develop these skills it’s important that dancers find ways to increase their muscle capabilities. While increasing muscles and ankle stability it’s important to not overdo it and reduce the risk of injury.

Dancers are required to demonstrate very high demanding skills. They are often needed to have extreme balance, mobility, strength and know how to control their movements. The foot, leg and ankle are crucial pieces to a dancers performance. Keeping up with exercises and keeping them strong are extremely important to achieve a great rehearsal or performance.

Ankle weights are the most commonly used tool to help dancers strengthen their muscles and improve their form. They have been known to not only improve the muscles that dancers require but it also has been known to increase cardiovascular health. Before strapping on ankle weights there is important information that dancers should know and prepare for.

Choosing the right ankle weights can be difficult, they come in different brands and weights.

Knowing where to start with the weight is the first step. By wearing the proper size weight it can prevent injuries and help improve stability and strength. Ankle weights come in sizes that range from 1 pound to 20 pounds, they are able to be adjusted by your frame size and weight. It is recommended that dancers start with weights that range from 1-5 pounds.

Most dancers feel that a 3 pound weight is the right fit, it’s not too overpowering on the muscles. When introducing weights into your routine, it’s important to start light and add weight as your leg and ankle strength increase. If the weights are too heavy the risk for injuries can increase.

Ankle weights could be beneficial to all dancers. They are a tool that can help you target the ankle and leg. Also when using these properly they can improve more than just ankle and leg strength. Since there is extra weight they can help improve stamina and build a powerful endurance. Ankle weights add a variety into daily or weekly dance routines.

Adding weights into any exercise or routine can benefit by toning the muscles and giving them strength. They are often used to build up muscle and strength that are needed for a specific movement. If used at the barre or by jumping it is a great way to strengthen the muscles in the feet as well as the ankles.

With every sport the worry of injury or negative side effects will always be there. It is recommended to be cautious when introducing ankle weights to your routine. When using weights that are too heavy or if used improperly it can increase the risk of injury. If dancers are known to have joint problems they should take caution or completely avoid the weights.

Are Ankle Weights Safe?

Younger dancers are more prone to injuries due to ankle weights, they are at greater risks when wearing weights because their muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments are not matured fully. This makes the process of growth plates slow and become easily injured. Individuals with a medical history of knee or joint problems are discouraged to wear any type of weight, using the weights could lead to more strain and cause permanent damage.

Teenage and adult dancers could also be at risk, if ankle weights are worn for a long period of time or perform demanding exercises they can cause knee and ankle ligaments to tear. The best way to introduce weights is to start small and then add more weight as your body adjusts.

When using ankle weights it’s important to listen to your body and recognize the red flags that could lead to injury. If after using ankle weights your joints feel painful, this could mean that the weight is too heavy or it’s straining your joints.

Using ankle weights can increase the injury risk. They can strain the muscles and also lead to poor form and could lead to balance issues. Having balance is key to being a dancer and is very important that you maintain a healthy balance routine. If using ankle weights causes pain or discomfort, it’s recommended to try another alternative.

Even though ankle weights could benefit some, they do have negatives that could turn people away. There are some alternatives that have the same strengthening benefits as ankle weights. Using a scarf exercise can improve the strength of the foot and ankle, start by laying the scarf on the floor and use your toes to put it inward to your heel. Repeating this process with both feet and reversing the directions will impact the strength capability.

A weighted dance belt is a great option, it is often used to improve the dancer’s feelings for the movements they are making more strongly. This is a safer option because the belt distributes the weights around the waist equally compared to the ankle weights having the weight solely directed on the ankles. Trying to strengthen the leg muscles doesn’t always require using weights. Squats, lunges, deadlifts and leg raises are all beneficial exercises for improving strength.

Weighted vests could be a safer alternative as well, this allows the weight to be distributed evenly, it’s often used to help with balance and proportion the weight.

No matter the style of dance being performed, having leg and ankle strength is the key to being a successful dancer. If you feel that ankle weights, weighted belts or vests, and other exercises are not the right fit for you, you can strengthen your muscles in other ways.

An essential step to preparing your muscles is to warm up, this allows the muscles in the legs and ankle to increase the blood flow and lessen the risk of injury. Another way to increase ankle strength is to use a resistance band, with this you hold the band around the middle of the foot and move it back and forth. Doing this will allow the ankle and the calf muscle to improve strength.

While there are different weighted options out there, they run the risk of being harmful to muscles and joints of the ankles and legs. Strength training any part of the body can be beneficial to anybody. Dancer’s will see the benefits more clearly when strengthening their muscles, it can contribute to having better balance, and stamina.  Using weights seems like a risky choice to use. There are other exercises that will help strengthen the ankles.

  • Single Foot Press – This will build ankle stability.
  1. Start in a squat position.
  2. Raise one heel off the floor and press towards the floor.
  3. While keeping the foot raised and the ankle steady, perform squat motions.
  • Calf Raises – Fully stretches the muscles
  1. Stand on a slightly elevated platform.
  2. Make sure the balls of the feet are flat on the platform, while letting the heels slightly hang off the back.
  3. Raise the heels by pushing up with the toes, then letting the heels fall to the surface.
  • Tennis Ball Roll – Stretches the muscles in the feet and ankle.
  1. While sitting in a chair, place a tennis ball under the foot.
  2. Start slowly rolling the foot over the ball in different directions, and repeat using the other foot.

Incorporating ankle weights into dancing has many advantages. Knowing what size weight to start with and listening to your body is essential to prevent potential injuries. Ankle weights bring a list of benefits to a dancers career. There are some options such as using weights that may work for some and strengthen their muscles, but some may experience pain and discomfort.

Other strength building exercises are available without using ankle weights. While dancers have a high responsibility of maintaining their strength, it’s important to remember that every dancer is different and not everyone’s body will react the same to using ankle weights.